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Mars at Opposition

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Mars is one of the most exciting planets in our solar system, and the only planet in the universe we know to be entirely inhabited by robots. The mysteries of Mars will increasingly become one of the hottest topics in space exploration throughout the 2020s and 30s. 

Our neighbouring planet lays a mere 35 million miles further from the Sun than us and is home to some incredible experiments taking place on its surface. The Curiosity and Opportunity rovers, In-sight, and the soon to land 2020 Rover, are just some of the research projects which will take us closer to uncovering the incredible history of Mars, and unlock secrets to the formation of our entire solar system. Billionaires battle to become the first to set foot on the Martian planet and create the first human habitats and colonies away from Earth, and all from a tiny hostile planet that from ours appears as nothing more than a glowing red star. 

This event lands on the day that Mars is on its closest and opposite approach to our own for this year. Being on the complete opposite side of our planet to the Sun means the fully illuminated face of Mars appears bigger and brighter through our large aperture instruments. If the evening is clear, we can use them to spot the red planet, and possibly take a glimpse at some of the features on this incredible world beyond our own. If viewing isn’t possible, you will still get to learn all about Mars’ interesting and impactful past and future, which will even entail standing on and holding a piece of Martian rock.

This event also includes a tour of the Observatory with Stargazing as the priority when weather permits. During your tours you will discover light, it’s uses throughout the universe, and how we capture that with our large aperture telescopes. You will get hands on with other rocks from the origins of our Solar System, and worlds beyond our own, and we will introduce you to some techniques in how to navigate the night sky. 

Although stargazing is the priority of our events, our focus is to deliver an experience whatever the weather, and we endeavour to do so with our team of experienced, passionate, and inspirational astronomers. 

There will be an intermission during the event, when you will be treated to a hot drink (included in your ticket price), from a selection of Tea, Coffee and Hot Chocolate, and have the opportunity to further support our charity, and take home a memento of your visit to the observatory from a range of merchandise.


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