We Saw to the Edge

I saw to the edge of all there is: luminescence blooming in the night. Space so vast, stretching into eternity. Yet so many blinding lights, blossoming into existence. Orange, fierce, ferocious suns bursting into existence. Lavender purple, violet palms like the shape of a hermit crab shell, tendrils of pink coalescing like fingers unfurling from a closed fist.


I saw to the edge of all there is and got a sense of euphoria. The feeling of hope, exploding through my veins, telling me that we are not alone. With all the particles of matter, dust, and light gelling together, beings and life are formed. Other existence is out there. With all the contrasting colours between light blending into the darkness, variations of life, not as we know it, have formed out there, amongst the endless stars.


I saw to the edge of all there is: whirlpools of colour, fighting to be seen, expanding into existence. Flashes of colour, pulsing, glinting, twinkling into being.